Intro: Inappropriate use Digital Media

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Intro: Inappropriate use Digital Media

April Netley
Inappropriate use of social media is my bread and butter, job security if you will.  I am a high school guidance counselor and not a week goes by that I don’t have some student demanding that I “DO SOMETHING,” about that (fill in a name) who is bullying them on Facebook.   They hold up the offending message on their phone, laptop, etc and read it back to me with the passion worthy of an academy performance.  Nine times out of ten, if you read back down the thread you find an equally inappropriate message sent by the poor victim to said, bully.  (Yes, I do read what they wrote out loud with equal enthusiasm followed by a thoughtful, hmmmmmmm.)

If you ask why they didn’t block the bully the usual response is that then they couldn’t read what they were saying about them.  Naturally, there are cases that need to be turned over to the administration or liaison officer but in most cases, both parties behaving poorly. It should be noted that many of the posts are made during school and often on the school's laptop.  I am gratified to see our tax dollars put to good use.