Lesson Plan for Creativity

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Lesson Plan for Creativity

Miranda Davidson
Your Name: Miranda Davidson

Grade Level: Kindergarten

Title of Lesson: Everyone Has Feelings

Objectives/Outcomes: Students will listen to a story about feelings (The Feelings Book by Todd Parr) and then will create a picture of how they feel in that moment while listening to the story.

Performance Art highlighted in this lesson: Students will listen to a story about feelings, then we will discuss this famous artwork by Keith Haring. We will discuss how the students think the character’s in the image are feeling and why they think they are feeling that way.

Art Standard Addressed-Subject Integration: VA:Cr1.2.KA Engage collaboratively in creative art making in response to an artistic problem.

Vocabulary: outlines, figures, feelings

Materials /Resources Needed: The Feelings Book by Todd Parr, the image (https://www.wikiart.org/en/keith-haring/untitled-dance-1987), construction paper, markers, crayons, and any other resources the students would like to use to create their work.

Technology Used: projector for image.

Lesson Procedures:

Step 1: Read The Feelings Book by Todd Parr.

Step 2: Discuss Keith Haring’s image and talk about feelings and how they are currently feeling.

Step 3: Have students create their own version of Keith Haring’s image.

Add more steps if you need to:

Assessment/Evaluation: Student’s finished artwork showing feelings will be the evaluation.

Image: https://www.wikiart.org/en/keith-haring/untitled-dance-1987

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Re: Lesson Plan for Creativity

Ellen Stoltz-McGinity
Always good to explore feelings! And using the VTS should set up a framework where students can be accepting about other kids' reactions and feelings in any given situation. Makes me think of that book Today Is  A Good Day to be Silly! and other moods....

Thanks for the link to a good website too. It looks like a great resource.