Maximizing My Use of Gmail

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Maximizing My Use of Gmail

Janell ZW
While Gmail is not my primary means of communicating, either with friends and family or with my students, I do use it as a supplemental address for different projects I work on in the community.  I do use other Google features in my classroom, and I can see that using Gmail tools could enhance my productivity.

While it seems elementary to me after the video, I had never before realized that I could easily share a Drive file through the Gmail application.  I can see this coming in handy with my classroom uses as I use my Drive frequently to create sharable documents with my students.  I am happy to discover that these Drive files are easily shared through the Gmail app.

Another feature that I just discovered was the drop down menu for Tasks and Contacts.  The contact feature will better allow me to communicate with groups that I can create in Gmail.  No longer do I need to copy my addresses from my Sheet.  Now I know how to create a contact group.  Tasks will also allow me to create a to-do list that I can access between my computer at home, the one at work, and my smart phone.  This will be a feature that I share with my very busy students.

While I have used Gmail for over 7 years now, I have never labeled my messages.  I appreciate knowing how labels work so that I can have better access to the emails that arrive.  I look forward to doing this in the future to make searching for past messages easier.