Nora ans Responsibilities

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Nora ans Responsibilities

Brenda Roberts
We talk about digital citizenship at my school every year. We start at the beginning of the year and talk about how important it is to be responsible while using technology. As some mentioned, I have not seen a document in our system that talks a lot about what our rights and responsibilities are...just that we should be responsible and follow the rules. Our students and parents sign a document that gives permission to use technology and they promise to be responsible...but what does responsible look like and what does that mean? Also, we seem to do a good job monitoring the uses of technology at the beginning of the year... as the year progresses we sometimes become lackadaisical and let things go a bit more.

I like this quote that Marissa Nordschow included in her message:
"You have the RIGHT do to anything you want; as long as it doesn't cause a problem for you, anyone else, or the world."