Norms and Repsonsibilities

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Norms and Repsonsibilities

Tiffany Skidmore
Just as the video talked we are pioneers in this new digital age. We as teachers need to make sure we have a good understading of this digital age so that we can clearly explain to our students what their responsibilities are. We need to make sure they are aware they are laying the ground work for years to come. When they are online they need to make sure they are doing the same actions as they would do in the real world. I tell me children if you wouldn't do it in the real world don't do it in the virtual world. I also tell them when they are making decision, whether it be in the virtual or real world, what would the person you look up to the most think of your choice? For some of my students that is enough to make them stop and consider what they are saying or putting out their in the digital world.