Norms and Responsibilites

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Norms and Responsibilites

Kevin Richardson
I believe that everyone should have the right to expect their personal information not be sold or stolen when they are online; whether shopping at Sears or on Facebook or Google.  I don't know why on many social media sights need so much of your personal information such as phone number, birthday, and more (well I do know they want to sell it to other companies).  We should be able to expect that when we are online that companies act responsible with our information and both young and old are protected.

It is our responsibility to follow the laws which apply and follow social standards online line like we are expected to in a face to face public situation.  As many have said, adults and students should not get on social media to harass, bully, or put down other people and knowingly make false statements.  Most of which they would never do in a face to face setting.