Norms and Responsibilities-RESPECT and Information Integrity

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Norms and Responsibilities-RESPECT and Information Integrity


To me, the ideal digital world would be centered on two-way respect…the responsibility to show respect to others, and the right to be respected. HOW can this happen on the open internet? In private groups, ground rules may be enforced by mods or admins, which I see a lot with varying levels of success. I have left some groups when they got out of control—not worth the headaches and aggravation!

I would like to feel safe, secure and confident in truth levels when using a digital source for information-seeking. There is an overabundance of information out there, including abundant mis / disinformation. Let the surfer beware!

I am an avid fact-checker and strongly believe in personal verification of info. My bucket list includes finding a Facts Only web site, where I have the right to trust posted sources because they carry the mark of “VALIDATED”, and I have the responsibility to post only validated information. List sources?
Yes, slip-ups happen. But there are clear transgressors too.  In this fantasy web site, not adhering to Facts Only is speedily and unceremoniously bounced….Utopian Cyber fiction?
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Re: Norms and Responsibilities-RESPECT and Information Integrity

Asked earlier...what are my concerns with my students and grand kids in the digital frontier?

The frontier is constantly changing, faster than guardians or teachers can keep up with, tough to help keep kids safe! A lot is intuitive, common sense, personal responsibility. My grand kids (and most of my students!) are all fearless, inquisitive, independent, adventurous. Good Lonesome Cowboy frontier explorer material, but they can be a challenge to “gently guide”. Thankfully, they listen to me because “Papa teaches”

A personal resource add-on: the really fun classic ad of cowboys herding cats. Talk about how the internet is a wild and dangerous frontier (from the course-great analogies), and how important it is for each of us to have strong individual habits and to stick to the usually unspoken norms of rights and responsibilities.