Norms and Responsibilities- User Digital Rights

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Norms and Responsibilities- User Digital Rights

Joyce Keeling
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What user rights do you feel should be part of the norms in this digital world? What user responsibilities do you feel should be expressed in this digital world?

Everyone should maintain a responsibility to be respectful digital users in the digital world, which then gives them the full right to be involved in the digital world.  If not always trying to be respectful in a digital world, digital users should realize that there are digital footprints that will always be there, which may not be to their advantage.  If a digital user accidently posts something disrespectful, another may begin to wonder if that digital user would behave in that manner again online and even elsewhere. That accidental post  would be detrimental to getting a job, which could snowball into other life areas.  So, a user digital right and norm would be to show respectful actions online, which is then connected with being responsible.