Norms and Responsibilities

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Norms and Responsibilities
I have two specific examples of how the abuse of digital citizenship were carried out.
1.)  A girl in my classroom (5th grade) returned to school after one day of suspension due to a physical altercation with another student (and myself being tackled by the student) sent out a mass message that was entirely inappropriate.  All of the students in the classroom received the message along with myself and I responded to her message informing her that this was an abuse of rights and responsibilities, her auto reply consisted of "f*** your mama".  Her chromebook was immediately confiscated and the settings were changed to restrict the use of email and messaging.
2.)  Two young ladies in Maryville, MO were lured over to an older students home within the district.  They were both, I would say bullied into consuming alcohol and consequently having sex with several of the older boys present in the home.  Meanwhile one of the boys made a video of the unfortunate event on his phone and shared it with several students.  Obviously resulting in grave consequences for both girls and the boys present at the home. I am certain these types of abuse occur on a regular basis throughout the world, therefore, I feel it is the responsibility of every school district to instill a policy on the rights and responsibilities students must adhere to in grades K - 12.  Chris Josephson