Norms and Responsibilities

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Norms and Responsibilities

Megan Tasler (Wilkerson)
I think the biggest right or responsibility of those using digital media is to make sure they are continuing to be a good citizen.  They continue to respect others in their usage of free speech - they are expressing their opinions to better a situation not just slandering anyone they want because they have "freedom of speech."  Users need to make sure they are keeping privacy - not only for themselves but for others too. This may look like not posting pictures of others that they do not want you to post or sharing information just because you have it.  

The rights for those using the digital world as a place of information sharing - news/information sites - have the responsibility to post information that does not break the laws outside the digital world and that they are posting information that meets standards - not just posting any information they have for the sake of sharing that they have that information, like in the instance of Wiki Leaks. He did not think of the implications for the people the information was about, just the fame he would get by sharing the information he obtained.