Norms and Responsibilities

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Norms and Responsibilities

Kathleen Noeth
As a foreign language educator, I cannot imagine my students not having access to the wealth of information made available by the internet.  As far as right to informative knowledge is concerned, everyone should have that right.  However, as other students have stated, many students really have no idea what being a good digital citizen means.  In my experience, plagiarism is a real problem.  Being born and raised with gadgets in their hands, students too often want everything right now.  Copy and paste is their best friend.  I have seen so many presentations in which students just copied and pasted others' ideas without siting any of the sources from which they came.  At this point, I took them aside and explained that stealing information without siting sources is a crime.  The problem is I was being reactive as opposed to proactive, as mentioned in one of the videos.  Although it takes teaching time, I feel we all need to show students how to site internet sources correctly.  Responsibilities come with the the right to live in the digital world.  Others' privacy needs to be respected, and I always advise that if you wouldn't say it to the person's face, don't say it digitally.