Norms and Responsibilities

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Norms and Responsibilities

Sara Ronan
Our digital world has grown by leaps and bounds, and personally I still survive with using some of it as little as possible.  I feel that everyone should be allowed to use it to express themselves and use it to make things easier in their life.  I feel that with this right of use should come the fact that we as people can still keep our information private and not accessed by others. By using the digital world comes a great amount of responsibility by the user.  You need to respect the privacy of others.  Don't post things without their permission, don't send things about a person if you wouldn't say it to them face to face, and be truthful about what you post.  Don't use plagiarism and don't take some other person's identity.  I think our children today don't understand the real meaning of our digital world.  When we become digital, we open ourselves up to things that may never have entered into our life ever.  We need to make sure they understand what things can happen to them and also what responsibility comes to them when using the digital world.  What you do today may not have an affect on you until later.