Norms and Responsibilities

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Norms and Responsibilities

April Netley
I feel that one of the most common user abuses comes in the form of invasion of privacy.  Just because you might have a pervasive need to share the most mundane nuances of your life, does not mean that I want you to post mine.  I don’t have social media accounts for a reason and that quite simply, is the need for privacy.  Yet, no one has ever asked my permission to post a picture containing me on their social media site that might have been taken at a group function.
I had someone come up to me and say that they saw a picture of a group of us sitting around a table on Facebook and “wooooowie,” I must have tied one on with all the booze at the table.   A picture is worth a thousand words but unfortunately for me, the picture didn’t convey that I was the designated driver.  Yep, the only one not allowed to drink looks like the booze hound.  Awesome.
As responsible as you might be taking steps to reduce your digital footprint, it one takes one careless person to undo what you are fighting so hard to secure, privacy.  Think before you post is not just for your benefit, but for all those you are including in your posts.