Norms and Responsibilities

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Norms and Responsibilities

Elizabeth Dent
As I think about the responsibilities of students in regards to digital citizenship, two things come to mind. First, I believe it is the responsibility of students to recognize that privacy is an illusion on the internet. They need to know that anything they post can be accessed now and in the future. Pictures of inappropriate choices or status updates with vulgar language can be pulled up in the future by scholarship committees, potential employers, and anyone else who would want to know. Secondly, I think students need to keep in mind the danger of comparisons - it's easy to have what is shown on social media make students feel they need to look a certain way or act a certain way in order to fit in. I believe it's important for students to keep in mind that what is being shown on social media are the highlights of someone's life (or a picture that took 15 tries and 3 filters to look the way it does). If students function under the belief that what they see is the whole story of someone's life, it could absolutely damage their self-esteem.