Norms and Responsibilities

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Norms and Responsibilities

Erin Thorius
When it comes to technology and internet access, kids often struggle with knowing what is helpful/educational and how to be responsible with what they encounter. All users have a right to privacy, respect for personal info and property, and the right to be safe. All users must be responsible to respect other opinions and work (no plagiarism), respect other's privacy, obey the law, and know the consequences for their actions.

In the classroom, rules must be established and kids must be taught proper use for school purposes. When we first implemented chrome books to our middle school kids, there were so many who struggled to understand that it was an educational tool rather than a place to play. Many times it took kids messing up to help others understand the consequences and responsibilities. I think it's important to not assume kids understand all there is about gathering info for research projects and such.

At home, parents must be able to teach responsibility as well. Often times what happens at home on phones and computers carries over to the classroom and becomes a headache for all. It is a tool for communication as well as for educational purposes and we all need to work together to get the message across about rights and responsibilities.