Norms and Responsibilities

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Norms and Responsibilities

Sarah Meyers
A right I feel should be part of the norms in the digital world is knowledge of how to use technology correctly.  Today kids are given technology at a very young age, but are not always taught how to use it correctly.  We often assume now that students arrive to school with this background knowledge.  It is our responsibility as educators to provide this information to students on how to use the various technologies correctly and most importantly, safely.  

When using the internet, students and adults do not always recognize the consequences that can occur because of their actions.   Things posted online can be viewed by anyone even after it has been deleted.  This can then cause future damage when potential employers view this type of information.  The effect of sharing personal information online is something that also should be taught to students.  Educators can provide real life examples for students to connect to and show real results that occur because of that individual's actions.