Norms and Responsibilities

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Norms and Responsibilities

Michelle Albert
I have been teaching middle school for almost 30 years so I have had the opportunity to see the internet become an awesome tool for all of us.  I think it is critical to teach children about the rights and responsibility of using the internet.  Like so many other topics it needs to be taught every year and supported at home.  
I believe that we should all have freedom of speech and a right to privacy as long as we are not putting ourselves or others in danger.
I remember more than once our counselors and administrators becoming aware of bullying, fights being planned or other threats to our school students and staff through social media.  They handled the situations well.  In some cases students were suspended, received counseling or lost their right to use the computer at school and probably at home too.  
I know that the United States government also uses the internet as a tool to stop violence from groups planning to do us harm.  Because of both of these areas of concern I believe we should have rights on the internet but we need to understand that if we choose to put something on the internet we have no guarantee that it will remain private.  We have the responsibility to use the internet thoughtfully.