Norms and Responsibilities

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Norms and Responsibilities

Meredith Hines
I believe that everyone should begin with the same rights to use digital media, and those rights should be sustained as long as the actions taken or words written do not infringe on the rights of others to be safe and secure on the internet. Access is a completely different issue, with those under 18 needing systematic guidance in how to be safe, responsible and respectful in the digital world. As soon as one enters the digital world, there is so much potential for his or her own safety to be violated, or for them to violate the rights of others by an action which may seem benign. Sharing just one piece of information too many can have lifelong effects, and the brains of those under 25 are actually not developed enough to process and fully understand the ramifications of their actions, digital or otherwise. Due to this, any digital access needs to be carefully taught, with scaffolded instruction provided throughout the school years.