Norms and Responsibilities

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Norms and Responsibilities

Amanda Lessman
It is a collaborative responsibility of the school and parents to teach the rights of an individual in our advancing digital world.  There are examples of misuse and problems with technology everywhere and each of these are opportunities for us to learn from the mistakes of others.  It is a brave new world and can be a "wild west" as described in the video.  Teachers need to allow students the opportunities to show their knowledge of technology for good.  Allowing children a safe environment for exploration by monitoring information and setting filters but also teaching them ways to self monitor.
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Re: Norms and Responsibilities

Paula Vander Beek
It is a school directive to set digital norms. Parents needs to be aware of the school's position as well. Regretfully, I have experienced in my career that parents can be clearly out of bounds as they become involved in students' social media comments that are negative, hurtful and at times illegal. Integrity in what students and parents post online can sometimes be one of the most difficult areas of the digital highway to navigate.