Norms and Responsibilities

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Norms and Responsibilities

Mary Goedken
Since technology is a vital component for our students, the educators need to give students the rights and responsibilities that come with digital citizenship.  Specifically, students need to know that what they post or what they send in an e-mail never really "goes away" even if you hit the "Delete" button.  Written words or pictures may hinder them from getting a job down the road, for example.

In this digital word, user responsibilities need to include teaching about online safety.  Educators need to be proactive and not only talk to the students, but parents as well, about digital citizenship.  Other posts concur with this thought.

And, as several posts indicated, technology advances quickly and sometimes the adults are trying to stay at least one step ahead of the students.  I believe that students can teach others in class about the benefits of new technology and keep everyone engaged.  

Overall, all educators need to teach, model, and reinforce the etiquette of digital citizenship.