Norms and Responsibilities

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Norms and Responsibilities

Casey Anderson
At school, I think teachers can connect digital rights and norms to other protocol that currently exists at that school.  My school uses the acronym of PRIDE, where the "R" stands for responsible and the "D" stands for dignified.  

Being responsible with digital content is important.  Are students using credible sites to gain information?  Are they citing this information properly?  Being dignified with technology is important as well.  Are students using and spreading information that is true?  Is what they are sharing necessary?  Is it hurtful?  This is language that is already used around our school that can easily be applied to the digital world.
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Re: Norms and Responsibilities

Stacy Walston
I agree that schools can make a point of connecting digital citizenship to protocol already in place.  For example, our school connects behaviors to character counts.  Kids have been exposed to character counts since elementary, so they are very familiar with the meaning of each character trait.  Being respectful, responsible, and caring can easily be connected to digital citizenship.