Norms and Responsibities

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Norms and Responsibities

Tiffany Hoogestraat
I think my young students easily navigate the online world, but are unaware of their responsibilities when utilizing these digital tools.  This tells me that they have had digital access from a very young age, even beginning at home before they have started school, but that parents and teachers have not yet taught them their rights and responsibilities.  I think it is important that they know these right from the beginning of their use.  I have a young child and she uses some online games while I am present.  I am glad I am taking this class because I may not even have been aware myself of things I should be teaching her.  I think this might be the case of many parents.  The digital world has exploded so rapidly and changes so much, that parents may not even be aware of what their kids need to know.  Because of this, I think kids need to be taught at a young age at school digital norms, responsibilities, safety rules, etc. to be sure their digital use is legal, fair, responsible, and safe.