Norms and responsibilities

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Norms and responsibilities

Rita Schoreder
My students have to ability to take a Chromebook home to do their work.  Often students come back with  more than their homework on the Chromebook and have problems with them.  I tell my students all the time, this is for school work not for playing games or watching movies.  Often they comeback over loaded or dragging with tech issues.  I have found disturbing things on the Chromebooks and have even had to deny  students from using them.  It bothers me that we have such a long 3 page document that goes to the parent and no one seems to read or take it seriously.  I often wonder about the network and amount of security that goes into the Chromebooks.  The lack of responsibly towards the equipment not being theirs really makes me wonder about the lack of responsibility with all that could happen over the internet.  This also seems to be normal.