Norms and responsibilities

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Norms and responsibilities

Greg Vraspier
I think one of the most important of the user rights that should be a part of the digital world is individual responsibility for everything YOU do in the digital realm. With the right of creating and sharing in the digital realm comes the  responsibilities for what you create or share. We have gotten so far away from this in the real world that it has become an issue in digital format because we do not see people face to face and think we can do anything without any consequences. I liked Linda Lucht’s mention of the “Golden “Rule” in her post. If we would follow the idea of only doing what we would do in person and want to have done to ourselves we would clean up a lot of the messes.  I do not think it is acceptable to be ok to post something about another when you would be very upset if someone did that to you. Working with students to recognize that everything they say and do online leaves a “digital footprint” is so important. It is alright  to express opinions, but they must be respectful. I share with students that if you wouldn’t want your actions to be the front page news story in the paper tomorrow then you should not do it. The hiding behind an anonymous screen name is the act of a coward and bully.  
I believe that as long as we separate the digital realm from the everyday world then we lose touch with our responsibilities and can easily violate the rights of others.