Norms and responsibilities

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Norms and responsibilities

Emily Otte
As a JH/HS teacher I worry that students do not understand that there are responsibilities to being in the digital world.  There seems to be such a cavalier or naive attitude towards what being on a social media site means.  When conversations naturally occur with students after something, whether comment or picture, has been posted that caused controversy, the students don't seem to understand when I am concerned or raise questions.  Usually I am told something to the effect of they're just having fun or everyone knows they're just teasing.  There seems to be a disconnect that comments can hurt and just because it is not a face to face conversation, it was still bullying.

 I also have concerns about how much information students are willing to place out in cyberspace such as their weekend plans and discussion of where and when friends will meet up.  It is like the adults who post vacation pictures on facebook while still on vacation.  There is a responsibility to one's on safety and that of others.