Norms and responsibilities

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Norms and responsibilities

Kim Kranz
I think one of the hardest lessons to teach students is maintaining others' privacy.  They know that they don't like their own privacy violated, but it so easy to do to someone else.  For example, I share a photo of students in my classroom working on our school's facebook page.  A parent sees it and hits "share".  Another parent sees the "share" and replies tagging the Mom of one of the students and says something harmless like, "Oh look Jane Doe, there's Johnny working with his next door neighbor!  Great job!".  They just gave away the student's first (and possibly last name) and gave an indicator of where they live which could result in someone finding that child.  It really makes you stop and think before posting on the internet!
I wish others would think about child safety before sharing, commenting on social media.  I feel this would be a great "unspoken rule".