Norms and responsibilities

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Norms and responsibilities

Christopher Bird
Sometimes people these days have a difficult time observing basic politeness and respect that most everyone deserves to get from our fellow humans.  Just recently, I have been interrupted mid-sentence by a student of mine and a colleague.  When the student did it, I said "excuse me, please don't interrupt me when I am talking to someone else."  When the colleagues did it, I just basically walked away and didn't address him about it.  I plan on talking to him about what he did in the future, but it happened last week and I only see him once a week on Thursday nights for rehearsal.  I will make an effort to talk to him about it on Thursday the 28th.  

Respect is also something that people need to exercise more of when they are online sending messages, or commenting on a Facebook post, or adding to a blog.  I try my best to use and respectful "tone of voice" when typing anything online that will be seen by others.  I have often deleted large portions of an email to a colleague or family member (i.e. my father), because after proof-reading the message, I made a decision that the tone I was using was not professional and respectful.  It can be difficult sometimes to assess what constitutes respectful messages, but I have improved over the years, and will continue to do so, out of respect for my fellow human beings.  Students these days need to be reminded of this approach as well, inasmuch as they do not always consider the presence of other people when they make comments, whether it by online, or in person.