Norms and responsibilities

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Norms and responsibilities

Leann Seddon
As users of the Internet and technology, we should still of course have the right to privacy and to free speech.  These basic rights allow people of all ages the freedom to be communicators, creators, and consumers of information and ideas: to speak our mind, to be inspired, to learn and make (or buy) new things.  

With these rights come some basic responsibilities:
*Be respectful: use kind words; consider the opinions and perspectives of others; follow rules and laws (don't steal or intrude); be honest and give credit where credit is due

*Be smart and aware: consider your audience (who will see my information?); know what kind of information is appropriate to share with your audience (i.e., public vs. private); evaluate your sources (who created this website/business? are they reliable? how do you know? be leary of bias and scams); don't trust just one source (shop around, check your facts).
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Re: Norms and responsibilities

Michelle Albert
You have a very polite and positive way of stating things.  I am sure students enjoy that.