Norms and responsibilities

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Norms and responsibilities

Courtney East
There are many digital rights and responsibilities of the digital world. It was so interesting to watch the video make the comparison to the pioneer days. I have never thought of it that way! It is so very true and also kind of scary. As a first grade teacher and mom of two young children, I am very nervous about what our world will look like in regards to technology by the time they are teenagers. I know that technology can be such a great tool but it can be so very dangerous too. I'm thankful that my district teaches about bullying and internet behavior in our OCM lessons. It has opened the door to many great conversations with my students. I do feel that there should be many safeguards in place when students are on computers and IPADS if they are using them independently. Our school Media Specialist does a great job of ensuring that our computers and IPADS are safe for our children to use.