Norms and responsibilities

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Norms and responsibilities

Leslie Mitchell
What user rights do you feel should be part of the norms in this digital world?

I believe we as educators should be emphasizing the importance of privacy, both for our students and the people they encounter. The point has been made by multiple posters that once something is on the internet it's there forever. This leads me to my next idea which is the emphasis that the internet is larger than any of us can comprehend. Our children/students have no concept of this breadth.

I think digital citizenship should be woven into any other character education a parents/teachers/schools are doing with children. The truth of the matter is character is what will determine the actions of people when they are not interacting face-to-face with others. Even people with good character will error, but hopefully less frequently.

I like the idea of a required training for children prior to independent internet access, similar to that of driver's education, learners permits, etc.