Online Safety

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Online Safety

Melissa Harmeyer
I mainly use social networking sites like Facebook and Instagram. Both of those sites have different ways to make your profile more or less private. However I think that there is a lot of misinformation about how private people's profiles might be or how others might be able to access someone else's information.

For example, on Facebook, although your profile might be private. If someone tags you in a post a or a picture than others will be able to click on it and potentially see some of your information. A way to prevent this would be to put in place a privacy feature that would allow a user to have to approve someone tagging them in pictures/posts/etc. Or to even not allow someone to tag them at all.

A risk on instagram or twitter, is that although you might make your information private, someone else can always retweet or repost your pictures. This can be done through other apps such as 'repostit' on instagram. So even though you might have a private profile, that privacy can still be infringed on. Honestly, in cases like this the best thing to do is to monitor who you allow to access your information (make sure you know them) and if appropriate ask them to not do these things. If they already have, ask them to take down the post.

I think that people should also be aware of what information they give when they sign up. For example, on social media apps like instagram and snap chat, many times you give your phone number. I don't think that people understand that when they do that, anyone who has their phone number can then find them from that. Even if they aren't using their full name, they can still be found. I think some people assume of their full or real name isn't being used, they can't be found, but that isn't always the case. It is important to turn on privacy features and make it so that only people they want to see their information or posts can.