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J Atkins
I have watched and helped students make Prezi presentations ...  It is a really cool way for them to set up their presentations and make things fun.  There are lots of different things that they can do.  I enjoyed watching the students make Prezi presentations.  I think they had fun doing that too.
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Re: Prezi

I love Prezi!! This is a cool, interesting way to present information. I have used Prezi numerous times and have given the option for my students to use this tool when presenting information. A downfall of this tool is it takes MUCH longer to actually create a presentation than using something like PowerPoint or Google Slides. However, the presentation will most likely engage the students and keep their interest for longer because every "transition" between slides can be different. For example, you can zoom in so far that you can't see the pictures or information from the homepage until you get to that point in the presentation and you can rotate the text and pictures 0-360 degrees so you "spiral" into the next "slide". If you haven't tried Prezi, at least search through a few of the public presentations to see what it can do.