Readings from Assignment #3

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Readings from Assignment #3

Gary Goins
How Integrating Arts Into Other Subjects Makes Learning Come Alive

I thought this article hit the idea well of how curriculum should be cross contented over the different content areas. It is sad that most art programs have been cut from elementary classrooms and in some instances schools. I think having students have hands on experience helps them to be a better multi-faceted learning. I try to incorporate art whenever I can into different subjects. Today I incorporated art into math doing long division with a project called the division tree. I enjoyed this article in how they said that art is an important part of a well-rounded education.  I am one that see the benefit greatly by the use of art to allow students to express their creativity.  A key take away form the author is what he stated that follows: "Opening the idea of creativeness and alternatives to a child allows for greater levels of acceptance and understanding. I think that it is important for students to know that not everyone thinks exactly alike and that alternative approaches to a problem are a good thing. Students will come with their own mix of learning patterns which can either be accepted or regarded as incorrect ways of thinking". I think this is key is raising the whole child through broadening multicultural or curricular areas.

Exploring the Benefits of Art in Elementary Education

        This article seems to have the same broad theme as the other two. The importance of art in a child's life can open many doors of opportunity in their academic, social, behavioral, and many areas in general. Art brings out creativity in students and allows them to experience success and expression in their own unique ways.

How Arts Integration Supports Student Learning: Students Shed Light on the Connections

        The article stated a very key point in today's changing demographics of school to say that: "The program is also helping connect parents from immigrant communities to the school. “Art is a big part of many of their cultures, so I think they appreciate that experience". I think this is a key to being a well diverse school system and is one piece of the whole puzzle.  The findings of the studies in this article suggested that arts do play a key role in a child's learning by providing more positive and meaningful educational connections that kept the child's interest. I believe that relationships and connections are key to any level of student learning and success.
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Re: Readings from Assignment #3

Rebecca Bal
Hello Gary,
What subject do you teach? If you are an elementary teacher, did art get cut as your school as well? I commend you for already taking the steps to incorporate art in your classroom, sadly, I do not think many educators are trying this yet.

I saw that you touched on the article by Schwatz (2015) where it discusses a school that incorporated art and how it had many benefits on the very diverse student body. The school I teach at is very diverse, and we are currently going through some major changes and trainings to make sure that our staff is culturally sensitive, and that our teaching techniques are ones that make it so students from  all backgrounds and cultures can learn. We are learning many different techniques, we even have assigned readings from a variety of textbooks, and specialists coming in to watch us teach. However, I have not yet read or heard of anything in this new training about incorporating art into the classroom as a way to reach more students. I am curious if this a newer idea or if this knowledge has been around for a while. What are your thoughts on this?