Response the the activity question to explore social media sites

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Response the the activity question to explore social media sites

Cheri Bolar
For the assignment, I am answering the question: What social networking site did you explore and what settings in that site should users be aware?

I had a Facebook account and wanted to get rid of it a few years back. They made it difficult for me to understand exactly how to deactivate it. It appeared to have many steps and was not so user friendly. So I stopped using the email account that was associated with it and stopped logging on, and now forgot my password. I just don't check it or respond to anything that may be communicated on it. Since I had a hard time actually trying to cancel it, I did not want to make any other accounts on any of those sites as the assignment suggested for fear I'd not be able to disable it. I steer clear of ALL social media! When my own kids get old enough to want accounts I will likely have to have an account to follow them. As a teacher one of the main reasons I wanted to stop facebook was too many students, parents, and coworkers wanted to "friend" me when I didn't want to accept them. I felt it inappropriate to share personal things with those in my professional world.....especially 3rd and 4th grade students. Nothing on my account was inappropriate, it just wasn't comfortable. To answer the question about what settings users should be aware of, I remember thinking that anyone who was friends with those you were friends with had some access to some info you may not want them to see. Not sure how that is now.
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Re: Response the the activity question to explore social media sites

Paula Vander Beek
For the assignment, I am responding to:
- What social networking site did you explore and what settings in that site should users be aware?

After several of my friends asked me to get on Facebook, I decided to give it a try. I have been very guarded about what I place on Facebook as I am a public educator.  My school district has protocol for social media and I made sure to read it carefully. During the recent election, I saw numerous postings fro folks about their candidate of choice. I refrained from stating my own view points as I did not want to appear to be controversial to my school district.  While Facebook has many neat and fun qualities, I think students can use it in a detrimental way. I have worked with students who have been on the receiving end of harassment, bullying and drama. I think students need to clearly understand RESPECT, as well as adults who use Facebook to stay in touch.