Rights & Responsibilities of Digital Citizenship

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Rights & Responsibilities of Digital Citizenship

Karina Krall
It is a fact that our children are growing up in an ever-changing digital world that many of us adults are still trying to come to terms with and comprehend for ourselves.  Students tend to be braver online and more easily comprehend the workings of programs and navigation of websites, etc.; however, they often do not think of the consequences of what they say and do while online. They forget or do not think it's important to protect their own privacy and the privacy of others. They say whatever they want and post tons of pictures that they don't realize will most likely come back to haunt them some day. They post and tag pictures of others and see no harm in what they might be sharing with the world, and they don't stop to think how it might affect others as well. As a private person who currently does not even yet have a Facebook account, I worry about what students share in general and also about the narcissistic need of people these days to share absolutely everything about themselves. Students need to protect themselves and their privacy from sexual predators and identity theft as well as other harmful entities out there that are ready to prey on them. Yes, they have the right to freedom of speech and to post photos, but they need to learn to do it all in a responsible and safe manner. It is the responsibility of parents and educators to guide them, but I realize this is a difficult thing to do when a lot of the older generation (including myself) am often so far behind in the current online trends. Many parents and educators have no idea what their children and students are actually doing online. It is hard to protect and guide them when this is true. In taking this course, I am trying to learn all I can in regard to what I can do to help, and hopefully, I'll become more internet savvy in the process.