Rights & Responsibilities

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Rights & Responsibilities

Monie Hayes
I tend to be concerned first about rights, in part because of my opposition to censorship and commitment to social justice. People should have access to training (in k-12 and beyond if they did not have the opportunity while they were in public school) in how to navigate electronic systems and spaces. People should have access to those spaces as well, on public facilities if they cannot afford their own. We should be able to access literature, news, health information, and a number of other things. We should be able to communicate with others in cyberspace. Of course, as noted in the video, such rights entail responsibilities. We should be civil, not intimidating or bullying. We should not knowingly spread falsehoods. Finally, we have the responsibility to cultivate some critical skills as audiences, as consumers of electronic texts. And we have the right to access to quality instruction in critical digital literacy as part of our training in navigating systems and spaces.

And, in keeping with recent news, we have some right to privacy, to decide what information about ourselves we wish to share or have shared, and with whom. With that right to make informed decisions, I suppose we also have the responsibility to read terms before clicking in agreement with them.