Rights and Responsibilities - by Timothy Tate

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Rights and Responsibilities - by Timothy Tate

What user rights do you feel should be part of the norms in this digital world?  What user responsibilities do you feel should be expressed in this digital world?

When I was introduced to the internet thirty some years ago, it was considered the “information highway”. Yahoo, AOL, and Google search allowed you to search for any knowledge you wanted from definitions, recipes, to how-to’s. Then it evolved into advertising, online shopping, chat rooms, and social media. Now that people are allowed to communicate with other people, it begins to mirror the real world with it’s “good and evil”. We are dealing with humans, so the possibility of being scammed, conned, or taken advantage of is real, so it makes sense to think about rights, responsibilities, regulations, norms, etiquette, policing, and ethics, because we have those in the real world.

I read through many of the posts and pulled out some ideas I felt were appropriate for this discussion and added a few of my own.
Rights:  1) Right to access 2) right to privacy  3) freedom of expression with certain limits

Responsibilities: 1) Child protections  2) Data protections  4) Copyright protections  5) Theft/Scam protections  6) Bullying/Harassment/Threats/Violence protections  7) Truth protections (Mis-information)

Ideas I personally like from other posts:
One person stated “It is with the free exchange of varying ideas that differing perspectives can be shared and discussed freely.  Uniformity of thinking should not be the desired outcome but rather welcoming and encouraging the open dialogue of varying ideas. Censorship of ideas limits the ability to understand one another and ultimately leads to further divisiveness.  During the process of the free sharing of ideas, users should also expect the norm of civility.  Dialogue must include respectful words, tones, and be free from personal attack and harassment”.  -B. A. Borrenpohl

“First, the individual is the owner of their data. As such, companies, entities, and persons need to take seriously how they handle and store the data that people input into their services. This is also a responsibility put back on the user to understand who they are engaged with and what information they are handing out. In this age of targeted advertising and AI training, we as end-users are very loose with what information we hand over and how we understand how that information is being used.”  -Thad sentman