Rights and Responsibilities

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Rights and Responsibilities

Renee McClanahan
While I do feel that our rights in the digital world are important, I feel that  our main focus as digital citizens should lie more on the rules and responsibilities. If we focus on those, basic rights like our freedom of speech and right to privacy should fall in line and be part of the norm in our general teachings of things such as safety,etiquette,and laws of the digital society. Unfortunetly, it seems that our schools have been carrying the brunt of this task. Past generations do not seem to hold enough knowledge of something as new as the technological society many people have become so depenent on. For this reason I also feel it is just as important that part of our teachings should be about communicating to children the importance of spreading their knowledge and sharing what they have learned with family and friends that may have limited access or are overwhelmed by its complexity. It is also a way of keeping the lines of communiction open on a personal level rather thanfrom behind a screen or device.