Rights and Responsibilities

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Rights and Responsibilities

Melanie H.
When we ask the question about user rights, I think that can open a huge discussion.  I know that in my classroom where students are one to one in having their own Chromebooks, we discuss rights of use very often.  Students are given a set of rights and responsibilities at the beginning of the school year.  I discuss often with my students that having their own device is a privilege and not a right in the classroom.  But with this privilege comes responsibility.  When we discuss this, the right of "free speech" always comes up.  We then discuss the boundary that "free speech" gives students and how that device is not used to hurt or slander someone else because it is their moral and ethical responsibility to use the device for good not harm.  We often have discussion in our classroom about the ethics that are involved in technology use.  Students can often make the wrong decisions with technology and they need to realize that once they put it out there that there is always a way to find it.  Our obligation as educators is to constantly keep this discussion going in our classes.