Science Interactive Notebooks

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Science Interactive Notebooks

Teacher 3
In regards to using Science Notebooks in the classroom some commonalities I found
were how beneficial science notebooks were when used correctly and with validity in the
classroom. They emphasized how science notebooks empowered students, “to become active in
their own learning.” The articles expressed how science notebooks benefit all levels of learners.
They can easily be differentiated depending on the needs and ability of the student. Many
articles spoke of the benefits they saw not only in science but in literacy as well. The science
notebooks “offer numerous opportunities to develop and enhance students’ communication skills,
written, visual, and oral.” Many of the articles advocated for the science notebook to be used
routinely so that the students get use to recording their observations, organizing their thoughts,
reflect, draw conclusions, and look back on their learning.

I am not currently using science notebooks in my classroom however it has been
something I’ve been interested in adding to my instruction. At the 2nd grade level I was unsure
how I could make my science notebook a task that did not simply require students to ‘copy’
information while still insuring what they were putting into their notebook was of good quality.
Something new I learned from these articles was the idea of using the two different sides
for two different things. They suggested using the left side of the notebook belonged to the
student and the right side to the teacher. Students could use the left side to record their findings
and “personalize the information they are learning based on their understanding of are content,
prior knowledge, and experiences.” Then use right side of the notebook for stuff presented to
them. These articles brought to my attention how they can be differentiated depending on the
need and skill of the different students. The notebooks empowers all students, “to become active
in their own learning.”

I feel the advantages to using science notebooks with my students outweigh the
disadvantages. Since I will be using this with 2nd grade students I will need to do a lot of
modeling. I also believe I will need to do some encouraging at least initially to get some of my
lower writers to buy in to the science notebook idea. The strong literacy tie is a huge advantage
to using the notebooks. I also like the simple fact that the students’ notebooks will serve as a
central location and “permanent record of students’ activities and learning” that can showcase
their “growth and development in science(and literacy) from the beginning of the year” to the

Finally, what I have read about the use of science notebooks helps to support how
students learn science. We know that students learn better when they are hands-on and not just
presented with information. They need to be able to challenge their preconceptions, reflect, and
discuss their finding. As teachers we need to be responsive to our students’ ideas and thinking.
By using science notebooks I can have a better insight into my students’ thinking and reasoning