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Share Resource

Diana Rauterkus
The learning tool that I like and use on a weekly basis is the Google Drive collaborative.  In the class, yearbook the students use it to converse about their ideas on the book’s theme, captions, pictures, and for many other reasons to communicate to each other.  The entire class is shared with each subject and any one can have an input. Since it worked so well in yearbook, I have been using it in other classes that I teach.  The students like it because it is useful inside and outside of class and they can collaborate from home or during study hall time.

The other learning tool I viewed was the one called Dropbox, an organizational tool.  Dropbox sounds really similar to iCloud.  They both keep files safe and are easy to share.  It also allows you to access them from your phone, tablet, or computer anywhere you go.  You can store videos, photos, documents, and many other items.