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Jennifer Rau
I know teachers use Twitter to get assignments out or updates.  I use Prezi to show my content to students and can flip through it well.  It is easy to add photos to or even create music on staffs with another website.  I will be investigating Edmodo more.

I wish there was Skype and Google video when I was a kid doing group projects.  The problem was trying to do it at home in another town as homework.  So this is neat for kids to do at home.  Drop box and Google Drive is a great organized way of seeing shared files and who contributed what and when.  I like the organization and flexibility of Realtime whiteboard and that would be a good place for students to go and put ideas and story lines or outlines up for a project or paper.

I've used Garageband before in my classes, and have seen Animoto before and that would be cool to do, but it may take some time away from my instruction, however I'm getting better with Prezi and all that it can do instead of flipping through smartboard pages on the board.

Critical Thinking
I can't say that I'd use much of these items listed in my elementary music classes such as coding programs, but I'd use to make graphic organizers comparing and contrasting vocabulary words and evaluating and analyzing music listening examples and instrument sounds.

I use Pinterest and Symbaloo to organize my digital resources I use in my lesson plans.