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Share a Resource

Randi Daniels
There are many sources that I am familiar with in the previous sections.  Some I use personally.  For example, I use Picasa to edit and store photographs, and I have used Go To Meeting for meetings for Girl Scout leaders in different areas/locations.  In the classroom, there are a few I have used. Prezi, Powtoon,and Google Drive are among those sites.  Prezi is just a more advanced version of Powerpoint.  It allows for more options and a more creative presentation.  Students could easily use this for book presentations in an English classroom.  Powtoon is a site where students can create comic strip or even presentations with better graphics and more options for text and transitioning.  Google drive is a great way for students to collaborate and also for teachers to give feedback in a timely fashion.  Sharing documents is a quick and easy way for students to work in groups and teachers to be able to view the students' progress.