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What social networking site did you explore and what settings in that site should users be aware?

SnapChat, since that is what many school age people are using today.  there are not many settings in Snapchat. But under the settings the one of who can contact me and view my story would be one to check.  I just the other day received a snap, a very inappropriate snap from someone I didn't know.  I feel we as educators and adults need to stress the fact that not all people are good and when things like this come up to let us know so we can teach them on how to block and report people who do things like that.  This goes for any social media page.  I get friend requests all the time from single males who are widowed.  Nope they get blocked and reported.  We have to be very guarded on who we allow and accept into our internet world of social media.  Also making sure that if kids do have a social media account on the acceptable uses that you will allow as a parent.