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Mary Anne Martin
I am not a twitter fan! lol!  I got in trouble with my 15 year old daughter for joining! lol.  BUT her friends are "following" me on twitter...and I saw one of her tweets about me. She was a little embarrassed that her mom was on twitter.  I follow the high school twitter page/notifications.  I follow a couple of former high school volleyball players.  I have learned a lot of interesting things on twitter.  Definitely have had the talk with my own children about what they need to keep PRIVATE and what is acceptable to share...once it's out there, is too late.  As an educator of preschool students I don't have to worry about having it in my PK class.  I'm sure a lot of my PK parents are on twitter but I definitely don't need to know about all their private lives so at this point I'm not following any of them.  I'm looking for some other teacher friends, maybe can connect with them thru twitter.