User Rights & Responsibilities

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User Rights & Responsibilities

Erin Eckholt
From an educator's standpoint I see technology as a great tool. But, we need to be very purposeful as teachers and parents how we monitor and introduce children to the internet world.  As a previous poster mentioned, people need to have a license to access the internet. While I do not agree it needs to be to the extent we need a code, I do feel that digital literacy and citizenship needs to be a class that is taught in the schools.  As students progress through the class they can slowly earn more privileges.  Maybe at first it is just email and Google docs or Google Classroom.  As they show proficiency and responsibility more can  be added, such as chat.  If a student shows they are abusing their access it can quickly be pulled back.  Moreover, I feel that parents need to be informed as to what is and is not appropriate in our digital world.  Bring parents in for an informational night so they can better understand the technology their student is using.