User rights and Responsibilities

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User rights and Responsibilities

Marissa Nordschow
The digital world is truly that: a whole world.  Children's understanding of their world starts very small and expands with age, experience, and maturity.  A baby's world contains only itself then expands to immediate family members.  As the child ages, the world grows to include extended family and community members.  At what age does one fully understand that the world encompasses the globe and the variety of people inhabiting this place?  The digital world is beyond a child's comprehension until a certain point in life.  It is our responsibility as educators, mentors, and parents to guide our youth through the digital world until they can fully grasp what it has to offer: both good and bad.

I agree with others that we have to teach students about this topic, just as we have to teach them to add and to read.

I read a quote the other day that went something like this: "You have the RIGHT do to anything you want; as long as it doesn't cause a problem for you, anyone else, or the world."  I think it applies here.