Users Responsibility

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Users Responsibility

Randi Daniels
With technology literally at our fingertips and information so readily available, there are many responsibilities users have in this digital world.  Those responsibilities can range from avoiding plagiarism and ensuring the ideas and work you do is your own to using social media in appropriate manner.  I am for freedom of speech, but TODAY this right can mean posting an anonymous comment or photo which can be degrading, hurtful, and cruel which is now available for thousands or millions to see (and which may or may not be accurate).  With that much power and influence, I believe the user has the responsibility to be thoughtful, honest, fair and appropriate with this privilege or I believe there should be a consequence for those inappropriate actions.
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Re: Users Responsibility

Kurt Brown
I agree with your thoughts and ideas on teaching Digital Citizenship.  There are so many things that are available for the students right now, at times it seems to be ARRRRG!

However, there are many good things, it is about teaching responsibility to the students.  And keeping them safe.

In the video where they compared it to learning to drive a car before you get a license, I saw one key difference.  They haven't had much experience driving a car when they start driver's ed.  They have A LOT of experience with the digital world by the time they get to us.  For many of us, it is a tool.  For most students, it is a way of life.  It adds to the challenges.