Using Google Docs

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Using Google Docs

I am already pretty familiar with Google Docs so I use this app a lot in my class and sometimes at home.  I teach 7th language arts and work closely with another language teacher.  We use Google docs to create rubrics or project guides we plan to use with the students.  Beth and I will collaborate on the document making changes or adding more content.  We will leave each other comments or suggestions before we decide on the finally product.

When I am the recorder for our Language PLC, I use Google Docs because I can share it with everyone in our meeting along with our principal or curriculum director.  We save all notes in a shared folder in the shared drive.

Also, I have used, along with other grade level teachers, a doc to keep track of a students behavior.  The Doc was shared with all of us with editing rights so that we could add comments daily.  This was really nice because we could glance at it before having that student in class and know what type of a day he or she was having.

I really do want to utilize Docs more this year on projects where students have to work together.  With social distancing, this is a great tool to use so students can still collaborate from a distance.