VTS and Arts Integration Reflections

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VTS and Arts Integration Reflections

Denise Bonati
What spoke to me after focusing on VTS and Arts integration is that VTS can be compared to the learning processes of reading. It’s a critical thinking skill that takes my learners to a higher level. It made me realize that I could connect to many of my higher learners and really at any level. Often we as teachers are focused on those learners that struggle and need more assistance with meeting foundational skills. VTS and arts integration made me think about how I could be challenging those "higher" learners. Those that are ready to interpret subject matter at a deeper level can do just that. They can use critical thinking to extend their interpretations. Those students that need more in terms of their learning process can use art to gain confidence and interpret at their pace as well. Visually thinking through art can meet my students where they are at any level.

One of my subject areas of teaching this year is Social Studies. My understanding is that the standards for this subject is not set. There is no test that requires our students to prove their social studies knowledge yet. However, as the expectations are being fine tuned, one of the suggestions I was given was to use a historical picture to start a S.S discussion. I believe my colleagues are suggesting the VTS arts integration strategy. I’m still trying to wrap my brain around what standards are expected of me to teach. When I do, I think a visual interpretation is a wonderful way to expose students to history and S.S topics while developing critical thinking skills.